Tuesday, April 15, 2008

10 things I dislike about my JC

1. The slow process of admin staff/teachers when students are getting things approved/signed/accounted for. When u screw up, they blame u. Not saying they are bad, but can expedite? If they are some government organization, they will really screw up.

2. The wireless. Ooh, we are supposed to be a prestigious, most established damn high grades JC in Singapore, but wait! We are moving towards world class! And wireless is still locked and unaccessible to students at all?

3. The Council. It's really screwed up man, not the people, they are nice, but as an organization, they suck? They have generally not very good attitude, thinking they're all high and mightly, and rules over all other CCAs? Have both good sides and bad sides, but yea, I guess everyone naturally accepted them.

4. The people.. Some of them. They are like.. utterly retarded and selfish? No manners is ok, but closing a lift on a teacher, and think that they are more equal than others? The only thing i violate is not put back the trays sometimes. :( I should make an effort to change.

5. The air-con system. Wow, like the JC is so brightly lit every day and night, and LCDs all on full blast 24/7, security systems up, and air-con down? Oh wows, scrape the stupid central control, cuz it sucks. Saving air-con and cutting down on student's welfare, way to go, JC. We camp overnight oso cannot sleep with air-con, teachers leh? Isn't it more allocative efficient when more people gets to enjoy air-con instead of a few?

6. The multiple barriers. Like we cannot.. sell prepared food. Why ORA can arh? We cannot.. do this do that.. Why other JCs can? Lol prestigious JC cannot, other JCs can, got reason?

7. This JC does not give me a feeling of home. Like no ownership of stuff, no CCA room, no PCs, no study areas except library, no facilities, homerooms which get chased out often.. What do we have anyway? Why do I see more and more places being cordoned off denying entry to students, and us students' space getting smaller and smaller?

8. The announcements.. Why only Council gets to say their dunno what elections, other CCAs leh? Saying Council is more important? Do we earn golds from council? Do we earn medals, competitions, records from Council? Why only council can announce, not other CCAs? The rest are often forgotten.

9. Teachers. According to marcu, bio we have "ok alright", ap teachers, one who can't look straight, chem we have a teacher that twitches at every word, bitch around for nuts, physics we have a screamy teacher that nobody really understands, one that holds the mic stand, one who off the lights, one who can't really teach.. Worst still, GP we have one that always end with a "erh1", and to think she graduated from some world class uni. Chinese we have selfish teachers that think students suck, and not let them enter the concert when they are helping to sell flowers?! Econs.. oh well short teachers, fat teachers, those who can't teach, you name it, you got it.

Can practice some.. screening and selection? After all, they are cultivating and teaching the leaders of tomorrow, those that drive the country. A criteria, perhaps?

10. Saying everything i dislike, to be honest, i still love my JC alot. Got so many other things that im ok with, and no complaints. To conclude, i really dislike some things, but i can't do anything and have to accept it. Thats the last thing i dislike.

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