Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My intrinsic nature has left me bewildered in awe that I could actually do it. I was utterly amazed at my capabilities and endurance levels, radiating a strong field of knowledge around my brain and overcome all odds to grasp fundamental concepts, key ideas and underlying lesson outcomes to fully comprehend what I was doing.

Ok that was lame. Trying to see what Im capable of putting into words >< Today I had a meaningful and fruitful day studying at home. No phy prac periods, so I went home with friends Ming Quan & Xiao Lu at 12.30pm immediately after Bio lecture. Oh, the first thing I reach home, I mug mug mug mug mug and finally fell asleep at 5.30pm. Just woke up zzz.

Omg i can understand le! Damn happy. Sometimes the pursuit of knowledge keeps my brain active, keeps my brain from straying and thinking of others. To be honest, music distracts me. I haven't seen what I'm capable of.

Looks like I'm one step nearer if I continue this for the rest of my life in RJC. I need energy to sustain. I need power. I need a strong force behind me that will propell me forward.. I need my friends, family and people to urge me to study.

LOL Im just like my body. Have homeostasis. Needs a stimulus to bind to receptors, send impulses to the control centre (hypothalamus), then initiate a response by sending messages via nerves across synapse to effector, negative feedback mechanism LOL. Ok i have too much things in my brain, letting off some steam!!

Who should I go to Dance night with? Or should I just sell off my tickets? I wonder.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Hm i dunno why but lots of people have been asking me this question.. so i shall answer once and for all.

My criteria for choosing a gf, or someone who is gonna be my wife in the future. This should be interesting. Inspired from reading this:


In descending order:

1. Youth/age - this is naturally important. Basis, not considering people who are ±3 years apart from me.

2. Race/religion/language - obviously important and often left out in rankings. Chinese preferably, not accepting indian/malay LOL. Er religion.. any applicable ones, it doesn't really matter. Hm more importantly, one who can accept my religion, if applicable. Language.. pls she must know english, chinese, and others.

3. Personality - this is tricky. I generally like.. hm my friends will know what kind of gals i look for. Cute, shy at times, daring enough, can tolerate my nonsense and joke along too, takes initiatives etc.

4. Brains - unfortunately im quite.. in fact, very elitist. I want one who is as smart as, if not smarter, does well in grades, intelligent, and needless to say, mature. Though can be childish and childlike at times.

5. Height - this is of course, of certain importance. 5th to be exact. Cuz im 182cm tall. Need a gal who at least can see me.

6. Looks - unfortunately again i rank looks quite high.. But it's normal right, which guy wouldn't. Remember GP Tutor Mrs Toh said something about everyone pursuits the best sexual partner, like it or not.

7. Capabilities/Potential - her aspirations, what she want to achieve, room for development and improvements etc.

8. Family background - a great pool where she and I can tap upon when developing. This also depends on number of siblings, her role at home, which help shape her personality.

Erm.. will think of more in time to come.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


1. You are sick and have a headache now. I wanted to call you and ask how are you, instead i hear the beeping of the phone. It goes,"toot, toot, toot."

2. You are busy with work, stressed as usual. And me trying hard to restrain myself not to talk to you. At all.

3. You are still dao-ing me. Or rather, I don't have the guts to acknowledge ur presence. I think its obvious. You too. But we are not doing anything to salvage it. And you prob won't read this at all.

4. You are probably asleep. And thinking of your boyfriend, i suppose. Oh wells, see you tomorrow. And i think you should break up.

5. You are definitely 100% asleep. Out of the three of us, you sleep the earliest. And I haven't heard about you nor your crushes for a very long time.

6. You are probably thinking of him, who is in Taiwan. And hogging other's PSP & ipod. Zz you arh.. You should stop frowning, and go sleep early.

7. You are prob doing Math stuff or work. Thank You for helping me with flowers that day haha. And i really really miss you. Let me dine with you one day, alright?

8. You should take care. Nobody's grandpa died and act so normally. There is seriously something quite wrong with you. But you will catch up in no time.

9. You should be sleeping by now. I haven't seen you for a long long time. And haven't talked to you like we used to. And i miss it. And i miss you.

10. You.. some day some time later i will see you. I miss you too, no matter where are you, my heart will always lie with you. Though i lied to you once hahaha.

You. Are you?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Entrepreneurship Skills Test

Add or subtract your score as you evaluate yourself:

  1. Significantly high numbers of entrepreneurs are children of first-generation Americans. If your parents immigrated to the United States, score one. If not, score minus one.
  2. Successful entrepreneurs are not, as a rule, top achievers in school. If you were a top student, subtract four. If not, add four.
  3. Entrepreneurs are not especially enthusiastic about participating in group activities in school. If you enjoyed group activities—clubs, team sports, double dates—subtract one. If not, add one.
  4. Studies of entrepreneurs show that, as youngsters, they often preferred to be alone. Did you prefer to be alone as a youngster? If so, add one. If not, subtract one.
  5. Those who started enterprises during childhood—lemonade stands, family newspapers, greeting card sales—or ran for elected office at school can add two, because enterprise usually can be traced to an early age. If you didn't initiate enterprises, subtract two.
  6. Stubbornness as a child seems to translate into determination to do things one's own way—a hallmark of proven entrepreneurs. If you were stubborn as a child, add one. If not, subtract one.
  7. Caution may involve an unwillingness to take risks, a handicap for those embarking on previously uncharted territory. Were you a cautious youngster? If yes, deduct four. If no, add four.
  8. If you were daring or adventuresome, add four more.
  9. Entrepreneurs often have the faith to pursue different paths despite the opinions of others. If the opinions of others matter a lot to you, subtract one. If not, add one.
  10. Being tired of a daily routine often precipitates an entrepreneur's decision to start an enterprise. If changing your daily routine would be an important motivation for starting your own enterprise, add two. If not, subtract two.
  11. Yes, you really enjoy work. But are you willing to work overnight? If yes, add two. If no, subtract two.
  12. If you are willing to work as long as it takes with little or no sleep to finish a job, add four more.
  13. Entrepreneurs generally enjoy their type of work so much they move from one project to another—non-stop. When you complete a project successfully, do you immediately start another? If yes, add two. If no, subtract two.
  14. Successful entrepreneurs are willing to use their savings to finance a project. If you are willing to commit your savings to start a business, add two. If not, subtract two.
  15. Would you be willing to borrow from others? Then add two more. If not, subtract two.
  16. If your business should fail, would you immediately start working on another? If yes, add four. If no, subtract four.
  17. Or, if you would immediately start looking for a job with a regular paycheck, subtract one more.
  18. Do you believe being an entrepreneur is risky? If yes, subtract two. If no, add two.
  19. Many entrepreneurs put their long-term and short-term goals in writing. If you do, add one. If you don't, subtract one.
  20. Handling cash flow can be critical to entrepreneurial success. Do you believe you have the ability to deal with cash flow in a professional manner? If so, add two. If not, subtract two.
  21. Entrepreneurial personalities seems to be easily bored. If you are easily bored, add two. If not, subtract two.
  22. Optimism can fuel the drive to press for success in uncharted waters. If you're an optimist, add two. Pessimist, subtract two.

What's your E.Q. (Entrepreneurial Quotient)?

If you scored +35 or more, you have everything going for you. You ought to achieve spectacular entrepreneurial success (barring acts of God or other variables beyond your control).

lf you scored +15 to +34, your background, skills and talents give you excellent chances for success in your own business. You should go far.

If you scored 0 to +15, you have a head start of ability and/or experience in running a business and ought to be successful in opening an enterprise of your own if you apply yourself and learn the necessary skills to make it happen.

If you scores 0 to -15, you might be able to make a go of it if you ventured on your own, but you would have to work extra hard to compensate for a lack of built-in advantages and skills that give others a leg up in beginning their own business.

If you scored -15 to -43, your talents probably lie elsewhere. You ought to consider whether building your own business is what you really want to do, because you may find yourself swimming against the tide if you make the attempt. Another work arrangement—working for a company or for someone else, or developing a career in a profession or an area of technical expertise—may be far more congenial to you and allow you to enjoy a lifestyle appropriate to your abilities and interests.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

10 things I dislike about my JC

1. The slow process of admin staff/teachers when students are getting things approved/signed/accounted for. When u screw up, they blame u. Not saying they are bad, but can expedite? If they are some government organization, they will really screw up.

2. The wireless. Ooh, we are supposed to be a prestigious, most established damn high grades JC in Singapore, but wait! We are moving towards world class! And wireless is still locked and unaccessible to students at all?

3. The Council. It's really screwed up man, not the people, they are nice, but as an organization, they suck? They have generally not very good attitude, thinking they're all high and mightly, and rules over all other CCAs? Have both good sides and bad sides, but yea, I guess everyone naturally accepted them.

4. The people.. Some of them. They are like.. utterly retarded and selfish? No manners is ok, but closing a lift on a teacher, and think that they are more equal than others? The only thing i violate is not put back the trays sometimes. :( I should make an effort to change.

5. The air-con system. Wow, like the JC is so brightly lit every day and night, and LCDs all on full blast 24/7, security systems up, and air-con down? Oh wows, scrape the stupid central control, cuz it sucks. Saving air-con and cutting down on student's welfare, way to go, JC. We camp overnight oso cannot sleep with air-con, teachers leh? Isn't it more allocative efficient when more people gets to enjoy air-con instead of a few?

6. The multiple barriers. Like we cannot.. sell prepared food. Why ORA can arh? We cannot.. do this do that.. Why other JCs can? Lol prestigious JC cannot, other JCs can, got reason?

7. This JC does not give me a feeling of home. Like no ownership of stuff, no CCA room, no PCs, no study areas except library, no facilities, homerooms which get chased out often.. What do we have anyway? Why do I see more and more places being cordoned off denying entry to students, and us students' space getting smaller and smaller?

8. The announcements.. Why only Council gets to say their dunno what elections, other CCAs leh? Saying Council is more important? Do we earn golds from council? Do we earn medals, competitions, records from Council? Why only council can announce, not other CCAs? The rest are often forgotten.

9. Teachers. According to marcu, bio we have "ok alright", ap teachers, one who can't look straight, chem we have a teacher that twitches at every word, bitch around for nuts, physics we have a screamy teacher that nobody really understands, one that holds the mic stand, one who off the lights, one who can't really teach.. Worst still, GP we have one that always end with a "erh1", and to think she graduated from some world class uni. Chinese we have selfish teachers that think students suck, and not let them enter the concert when they are helping to sell flowers?! Econs.. oh well short teachers, fat teachers, those who can't teach, you name it, you got it.

Can practice some.. screening and selection? After all, they are cultivating and teaching the leaders of tomorrow, those that drive the country. A criteria, perhaps?

10. Saying everything i dislike, to be honest, i still love my JC alot. Got so many other things that im ok with, and no complaints. To conclude, i really dislike some things, but i can't do anything and have to accept it. Thats the last thing i dislike.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Wow sometimes i think her leadership quite failure. Haiz.

All talk and no work makes her a 'good' leader.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Woah damn stressed today was doing ORA with shuna and shara khoo! :( We lost $9.88 leh, when a club like canoeing made over S$700. Sad sia. Well, its a good learning experience.

Good learning experience for Shuna too, who is quite disturbed by the fact of me putting my ipod nano there as one of the prizes, but no 'nano' prize in the lucky draw box. Haha. We gave off 1 thumbdrive and 1 earphone, haha, left 1 each.

Im sorry for being late for YES meeting, cuz of the rain and all.

i dun like it when ppl ask me go, then i reach, then all fucking decided.

I think i might quit YES.

1. My decisions and role in this org comm is not needed. Well, I am kind of like dominant leader. I really don't care. Just do it for me, and u will be rewarded. And to be honest, I am one that delivers. Get things done with the simplest, most efficient and fastest methods, no matter what, an entrepreneur is supposed to use anything and everything in his own ability to achieve the best results. Well in this team, i feel that my leadership has been suppressed. Like i can't stand people who lead, whose leadership lids are lower than mine. My potential to work and deliver has been chopped off; i feel restrained under another reign. Similar to the case of Elita and I in ENTRE. I don't feel valued. But always looked for when in times of need. Next thing in life for me: if i can't be the head, i prefer not to be the vice.

2. Need to study. I haven't been doing well, a PW A isn't gonna help my moody mood. Chem, bio, phy, GP, econs, math, all my subjects are lagging behind. I need my time and space to work and do well for A levels; which means I must start now. And every sat 10am to 3pm in a dumb room in NUS is draining away my precious energy and time.

3. Andre. WHY DO U PULL OUT OMG. It's me, branden against the rest now. We represent the top 2 schools; if we aren't invited to the Symposium, then it won't be a symposium for all JCs anymore? Now, my Allies are shrinking. Until a complete takeover.

4. SUN. Or NUS. Whatever. I foresee a SUN era. My programmes are being filled up by useless professors, NUS Biz club and other stuffs. My main motive of participating is NOT for CVs; its for my dear J1s. I dun think anyone understands this. I have enough of these 'big event organizing' shit; some failed like PUB; i think after so many tries, isn't it better to be more.. practical? And pls, NUS will just takeover us. We DO NOT represent our JCs. Seriously, we're doing all of this, and the only party that benefits is NUS.

5. YES is gonna be an ordinary symposium. Its no different from NSES, nor Startup@singapore or ANY SHIT THAT ANY OTHER UNI CAN ORGANIZE. Seriously, i have been to more than enough this kind of conferences, and one conclusion: they are all quite useless and impractical; preaching about social entrepreneurship, but wow: how many can really carry it out in real life? Understanding what issit about; but realize, that this kind of things often leave u crippled to carrying out projects? Where is the link to organizing real life events? Who teaches us business, ourselves or a conference?

6. My teachers. One very impt impt point. They not really agreeable on going ahead with the plan. I mean, our original plan is to EDUCATE THE J1s on what they need to know, how to carry out a project, implementation, possible idea brainstorms.. YES doesn't really fit what we want. So why take part? lol.

6 reasons.. that make me wanna talk to you so badly. But listening to you out with another guy buying CLOTHES and shopping on a SATURDAY night, my heart trembles in silence.

And its only in solitude, that one can find true peace. And love for religion.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

ARGHH STRESSED over stupid earth week.


One earth club the exco and members suck. Earth Week sucks. All suck, then why is ENTRE in this shit? Spoil our reputation sia??

One earth really arh.. damn screwed up. Like all fucking slackers who dun do work, then angry angry ppl. No wonder not much accomplishments larh.

Mixed feelings today. Like I really dunno who to pass on the leadership role of ENTRE too. The exco damn chiong de. Everyone knows that. But ENTRE is portrayed to be a slack CCA.

My mum is gonna scold me for not studying le. FUCK. Okok i should go study now.

My leg is ok alr, dun worry. I walk too much man.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Broken foot? Yayy no.

Phew heng sia..

No larh my foot not broken, got X-ray liao, sprain + a bit of fracture nia.. But who cares anyway, i removed a small cast and wore my socks to school today.. The first half of today felt F-ing pain sia.. REMINDING EVERONE NOT TO STEP ON ME haha.

Then after a while, kind of get used to it, and me being playful tried standing broad jumps again. This time, i was careful. But damn sad, i cant jump as far anymore. And my right knee kind of hurts a bit.. Hm. :(

Napfa's in 1 week! oh nooo i better train.. Hard!
2.4km: 11 plus leh.. B
SBJ: 24x only.. B
Pull: 9.. B
S&R: 4x... B
SR: 9.x A
Situps: 4x A/B

WTFFF.. I try aim for 3As lorh.. I shall work on these areas, i have confidence i can do it! Im gonna make it to PES A i dun care! I will take NAPFA, then go eat a lot a lot a lot, then go NS check up liddat whoopie!

I will work on: Pulls and S&R. Everyday ask my mummy pull me can liao! hee hee.

Not going MPS today. Super busy. Zzz. Stupid ENTRE.

I walk alone.. I walk alone..
Though it hurts my leg i walk alone..

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Oh fucking shits i think i have broken..

MY FOOT!! omg damn pain.. I was thinking of practicing for you know, Standing broad jump. And did something damn stupid. I jump, on my fugging wooden floor.

And guess what? I fell.. ooh.. And i hit the side of my fugging bed and its my left foot!! Damn it. Well, it hurts, DUH. Then i tried walking.. WOAH DAMN PAINNN.. I dunno what to do.. Now like some crippled man liddat.. Cant jump cant walk cant even talk.. Have to blog.. Ok so lame -.-

Mummy rub some oil thingy, and it began to bleed omfg. Prob due to my thin skin (not thick skin), then abrasion against the wooden frame, and touch abit, broke the skin layer and bled like SHIT.

Argh.. Now cant bend my little toes.. Cute little toes! Nvm, gonna see doctor later, prob even an x-ray. Shrugs.

See everyone tomorrow! There goes my night of studying for Bio and phy mock SPAs.. zz.

I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known,
don't know where it goes, hope it brings me to A levels.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Lots of girls have crossed my path.. None has made such an impact in my life.

The words u say, the times i spent with u.. Thinking of them sho hurts. Hurts me so much, esp certain events, hurts me beyond any feelings..

Have to turn to other stuff to seek solace and comfort. People, thoughts, things..

And i am beginning to fall for one girl. bu zhi bu jue. I wonder how am i gonna handle this. She knows it. She says she don't want a r/s in JC. And i dun think its time for me to start anything now. But she's always one i can turn to, esp with lots of build-up stress.

zzz.. i shall live on normally and carry on, and keep feelings of the heart away from my life now.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

ENTRE also makes me who I am

Wow, indeed it is not the influence of one person, and friends, that left me who I am today. I was thinking back.. and reflecting.. thinking which J1 qualifies as the next leader of ENTRE. Hm..

ENTRE has always been my brainchild. I live, think, breathe it as much as I love _____.

Thinking back of all the past projects i have done.. Take 5.. RJC-EDB.. Open house.. Gift-a-Flower.. And upcoming Earth Week.. BMDP.. Exco Elections.. YES.. And finally, a levels.

All those projects that i have come up with, but did not materialise, not because they are not feasible, but i have too little time to work with.. IT week.. ENT-REnaissance.. ENT-RE-CAS! Econs Quiz.. ENTRE IHC.. Wow. I really hope that the next batch of J1s can carry them out in real life.

Life is like a piece of shit. One day you have it in your body, laying dormant, and you will not appreciate its existance.. The next day, you lose it, and you feel.. empty. Yucks im bullshitting.

But its true. ENTRE has made me become a better person, one more mature, able to command, lead, creative and critical analysis.. One that even my parents are proud of.

And i am sure that you, and all my friends, are proud of me.

Because you loved me

Dedicated to.. you.. by Celine Dion: Because you loved me.

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you


You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you