Friday, May 30, 2008

CCAL Camp 2008

Wow.. CCAL Camp sho was shiok for the J2,J3,J5 facilitators..

The sunday, they lived in the resort. Cool cool, true, true LOL.

When the J1s arrived and go do team bonding, they go bathe. ><

They led the J1s on camp out, where group C got the beach, group A the clearing next to the beach, group B the rocky grounds, group D in the middle of Wakatobi, the jungle, the worst campsite. Me followed group B.

The J1s had to cook, and bring along cooking stuff, like stoves, kerosene, oil, eggs, vege, noodles etc, while the j2s eat not very nice packed food.

The second day, they woke up at 4.30am and walked back to campable. The mangrove j2s had to leave on a 2hr journey to the mangrove area, while the DBC goes for theirs. The wakatobi group had to do rekkie 4 times before the actual, and do 4 times for 4 groups, total 8 times in the middle of wakatobi. The rafting group, played frisbee for long periods of time while waiting for the mangrove group to come back.

Rafting group consists of Zhuang, Marcus, Mich, Mel, Tiff and me.

For rafting i took groups D2, C4, B1, A3.

D2 is the Sharon, Sadikin, Yiting group.
C4 is the Rui Hao, Su, Quynh Anh, Cherie, Wang Xiang group.
B1 is the An Shing, Jon Lim, Cheryl Ang group.
A3 is the Grace Zhang, Toon Wei, Xin Er, Hanif group.

I enjoyed B1, cos its the only group that didn't sink LOL. I gave them lots of hints and stuff, and they used it to their advantage. Really good co-ordination, everyone knew what to do. And i still took my canoe out, scared to go on board! Lol.

D2 lacks situational awareness, all offers all miss out, but efforts are good, and they try hard, but there are often the same few that drives the team on. But their boat sunk..

C4.. Favourite group! Haha they rock man, and i realize it's not just cuz of Mr Edwin Lim. The group dynamics is, i must say, quite good and conducive. But they are too driven, and dun want to grab the opportunity when time comes, so the boat sinks in the end, the group that made my whole body dripping wet!! Argh.

A3.. not as good, but commendable lah. But they are very stubborn, me and ms wong hint hint no one picks it up. Sad. And in the end, din manage to make te raft.

Pictures of me and C4. Enjoy!

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