Friday, May 30, 2008

CCAL Camp 2008

Wow.. CCAL Camp sho was shiok for the J2,J3,J5 facilitators..

The sunday, they lived in the resort. Cool cool, true, true LOL.

When the J1s arrived and go do team bonding, they go bathe. ><

They led the J1s on camp out, where group C got the beach, group A the clearing next to the beach, group B the rocky grounds, group D in the middle of Wakatobi, the jungle, the worst campsite. Me followed group B.

The J1s had to cook, and bring along cooking stuff, like stoves, kerosene, oil, eggs, vege, noodles etc, while the j2s eat not very nice packed food.

The second day, they woke up at 4.30am and walked back to campable. The mangrove j2s had to leave on a 2hr journey to the mangrove area, while the DBC goes for theirs. The wakatobi group had to do rekkie 4 times before the actual, and do 4 times for 4 groups, total 8 times in the middle of wakatobi. The rafting group, played frisbee for long periods of time while waiting for the mangrove group to come back.

Rafting group consists of Zhuang, Marcus, Mich, Mel, Tiff and me.

For rafting i took groups D2, C4, B1, A3.

D2 is the Sharon, Sadikin, Yiting group.
C4 is the Rui Hao, Su, Quynh Anh, Cherie, Wang Xiang group.
B1 is the An Shing, Jon Lim, Cheryl Ang group.
A3 is the Grace Zhang, Toon Wei, Xin Er, Hanif group.

I enjoyed B1, cos its the only group that didn't sink LOL. I gave them lots of hints and stuff, and they used it to their advantage. Really good co-ordination, everyone knew what to do. And i still took my canoe out, scared to go on board! Lol.

D2 lacks situational awareness, all offers all miss out, but efforts are good, and they try hard, but there are often the same few that drives the team on. But their boat sunk..

C4.. Favourite group! Haha they rock man, and i realize it's not just cuz of Mr Edwin Lim. The group dynamics is, i must say, quite good and conducive. But they are too driven, and dun want to grab the opportunity when time comes, so the boat sinks in the end, the group that made my whole body dripping wet!! Argh.

A3.. not as good, but commendable lah. But they are very stubborn, me and ms wong hint hint no one picks it up. Sad. And in the end, din manage to make te raft.

Pictures of me and C4. Enjoy!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Hi all, I will be away to CCAL Camp to Bintan from 26th to 29th May, so no new things horh!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Okok back from the long hols to Mlaysia damnit, will blog about that tmr, meanwhile, GP CT 2!

I've been preparing for the Arts essays, anything to do with the Arts, i will try and attempt.

Purpose of the Arts (can be used as topic sentences)

1. Art is a product of human activity that enables the spontaneous stimulation of the human mind, its abstract nature provokes the thought and invoke certain emotions and feelings towards the piece of Art.

Eg: The portrait done in the 1920s depicting a naked man masturbating done in blue charcoal and Tate Modern set the arts arena ablazed with controversies and anger, as to whether this is in fact Art or mere intention to arouse and satisfy the sexual desires and urges of women, and even some men.

Pablo Picasso's Guernica depicted the ills of war from a first-person perspective.

2. Art provides an avenue for creative self-expression of the artist and enables one to see the world from a different perspective.

Eg. Eric Fischl drew Tumbling Woman, showing the exact scene when a woman was jumping off the World Trade Centre during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.

3. Art gives a valuable opportunities for artists to bring across a message or a hidden meaning behind the actual picture being portrayed, otherwise known as propaganda.

Eg. Jack Neo's I not Stupid depicted the actual situation and state of Singaporean culture, education, political arena which will be considered taboo and illegal if voiced out publicly. Royston Tan used his Internationally Acclaimed 8-time Award Winning Production, Cut, to illustrate and mock the Singapore Censorship Board of the rigid censorship laws and censors done to the media industry.

4. Art shows a scenario to depict the beauty of Nature and our surroundings, done with vibrant colours and showcasing it to people who has never experienced it before.

Eg. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm going overseas.

Haix thanks to my ah pa and ah ma, now I have to follow them to KL with a busload of indian workers wtf. It's a company welfare trip to Mlaysia, and Im being dragged along to go. Oh wells.

Lots of opp costs for this trip.. Here goes.

1. GP Common Test: i doubt i can perform up to standard.
2. CCAL Camp briefing!!
3. SAGE Presentation
4. Class Marymount CIP
5. YES! 2008 Meeting

Monday, May 12, 2008

Nth to blog about~

Not been blogging.. Cuz theres nth to blog about!

Omg headaches suck.. Having one now. Who's interested in becoming a potential bone marrow donor, pls approach me! Thanks.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Not been blogging

I haven't been blogging for a long time.. Until i read my p's post, i realized im actually a very fortunate person.

Born in a well-off family, nobody to fight over, a macbook to talk to me, lots of friends and ppl i can call when im down, those that will always be good friends and there for me twice a year (on my birthday and christmas), everyone else who cared for me.

I realized time is passing by very fast, before long all my life is going to be over. I still cannot fully accept some ppl in class, really sad. I just let one of my good friends bday past without doing anything for him. I din even care for my p who discolated his shoulder for the 4th time, and only found out thru his blog. I din make a point to catch up with my friends. I didn't, i didn't.

I din want everything to end this way. Im. sorry.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Abstinence from my digital life is hard. No matter where I am, what I do, it always have something to do with technology. Like now, I’m using my macbook to blog and type what I have to say.

Good job Hama, Xue en and Mirabel btw.

Life is difficult without the various gadgets I own: can’t really imagine w/o my ipod, my handphone, my pc, and needless to say, you my macbook! Emails unchecked, blogs unread, everything undone, its just like I shift myself away from the face of this earth. Work gets undone, ppl gets pissed with slow transfer of information and breakdown of communications…

Leaving without IT is hard, but living with it it’s even harder. CCTVs, cameras, even using other people’s wireless access has become a crime. :(

And you.. I got 600 songs in my ipod, and counting. U better make full use of it, transfer them to ur comp if u are IT-savvy enough.

Chris daughtry has failed me. It’s not over, he sings, but I believe the end is near. It’s over..
Sitting on board 852 bound for home.

PS: Damnit I passed u my earphones!!!! ARGHH. Now I can’t listen to youtube without my mum finding out. Zz.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Shit shit shit who am I bringing out on Dance night, if any at all. :(

CJC Competition!

Haha after reading my p's blog i decided to write something as well.. Nothing can be better than my p, except my declaring :P

Today was really.. tiring leh. Drains my energy, i was complaining and p feels irritated, but can't blame him, blame myself lorh.. Stupid ppl never come damnit.

HAHA i heard Samantha got REJECTED at the door.. according to xxl, she says the CJC principal spot her wearing something skimpy.. refused to let her enter sch. LOL.

The teaming quite imba.. the rest of them. Me got into a team with my p and joy, and yinkwan (u sure u spell correct?) Hm to be honest they not bad already larh. Just that they damn hum dun dare go high high de. So all offence p and I make make like siao.

1st board: A repeat of last year. We played TPJC first. Two damn lousy ppl. I think they just send in anyone larh. Pls, the IMPs is like.. 57-0? VPs 25-0. GG. No kick. But problem is, we go to first, now we play the best.

2nd board: Against HCI 1. The first team of HCI, most pro ppl there, all talented, pro, what else can I say. National team. But we did well. Or rather, due to a mistake ><>< I knew from start it was a SCAM! I got 15 points, he bid 1NT, my p bid 2H, the partner bid 3C i was like.. LOL. IM SURE. We have 25 between us, 16 possible meh? LIAR. But we did well anyway. Own them man. Even my p din rmbr playing them. They're so quiet, we never talk unless needed. LOL.

Then we din get into Finals awww. We play consolations.

1st consols: Wow I made an unbelievable 6C slam against ACJC, cool i felt that that was it.. And we own own own.. 15 IMPs in the bag for the 6C slam, then was playing good offense, so got quite high.

2nd consols: Woah play against two damn guailan guys from CJC. One of them damn ah beng, prick here prick there, ear 2, chin 1, the other ear 1 wtf. Then the malay guy, sibei rowdy, my p and I dun like. Eeks what attitude. P never ever mess with this kind of ppl kay. And im sorry for the screw up, the 5D-3, i will forever remember. Im sorry. And in the end, managed to own a bit, 21-7 IMPS, but not good enough to get 2nd. :(

Evaluation: A lot of boards on offence we own, then hope the other team din get the game contract. This explains our success. And the use of sacrifical bids by my p, hope our j1 pair can get the game contract also helps. And hitting big big ones, like 6C etc. Snatching contracts, offensively, we rock p. But our defence really cmi.. Whenever we are on defence usually, have you realize we always lose? Cuz Joy they all not good enough to play offence, they hum, dun dare, lacks experience.

But overall, a good competition. Never regret spending my Labour Day there. :)

1st HCI 1, 2nd RJC - Marco's team, 3rd - ACJC

1st HCI 3, 2nd RJC - Yujun's team, 3rd - US!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Aiyoo.. damn pissed with my mum.

I just got scolded. But sure thing is, I din argue back. Hehs, what for, like I will forever lose de. Get scolded get scolded larh. Since I have been scolded since young, scolded like shit, I also dun even care.

She suan me bridge never get any shit I also don't care. Say anything, I also dun care already larh. I'm letting go of everything man. Everything in my life, gone with the wind.

Bye bye entre, bye bye gal (or gals), bye bye everyone. I'm gonna be a mother's boy from now onwards. Go home study everyday.

What life.