Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wows busy sia

Woah i would like to complain to you a-sora. ANDRE IS DAMN ANAL. Can't stand it pls. I think ENTRE camp would be a failure. Then he whole day anal attitude problem me.. Sianx i dun even wanna help anymore lorh.

J1s just don't be disappointed. Cuz rite from the start, i think its gonna be a failure. Putting someone in charge who doesnt even listen to constructive comments? ____ off larh, seriously.

Oh yes, i would like to declare to all my friends that i shall stop saying the F word. Though its hard, but i will always bite my lower lip to control myself. hahaha look out for that. and laugh at me. :P

Todays eventful, busy, whatever. Everyone is busy, so good luck everyone jiayouu!! And what are u doing here. YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING. LOL.

I finally found chongmin's letter to me on v day. So touching until i cried in LT. Then some ____-er go say what i so easy cry girly wtf. wdv sia.

It reads:

Hey "sky"/wei chee,

Happy Valentine's Day. Hope that your Entre Flower sales goes well. Hope all my printing efforts (and also my printer spoiling) did not go to waste. All the best! You know, I think all these Entre planning has let me see another side of you - are that is capable of planning and organizing stuff. Though you might think it is "sai kang", but i think it is good experience for you and you'll benefit a lot from that.

Well, my friendship with you has really came a long way. We first met in Sec 1, 1D, 2D, and then after that we were in the same RE group under Mrs Kwa. We were also from Com. Science Club. I REMEMBER you were seriously "lame" last time, cracking a joke or doing stupid things once a minute or so. But i got used to it.

Now you've grown more mature and stop doing such things, and I can now see the other side of you. I enjoy the times we spent together, in Singapore as well as other countries. Hokkaido was really an unforgettable trip. We had fun, relaxed, cuddled together on the bed, and even bathed together. It was certainly memorable. ISLE was equally memorable. Remember all the talk we had about flirting, and also JLC!

I like calling you Wei Chee, and not Sky. This is because Sky is more of a name you gave yourself later, and I prefer calling you by the original name as it brings back all the memories. You're my best friend and I hope it stays that way in the years to come.

Chongmin 14/2/2008

Aww gods so touching. And stop calling me sky my friends, unless its business. Yeap. :)

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