Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thinking about life

Feels sooo good to be blogging again.. Though this page looks super empty. Im free now. After a whole lot of V day piece of craps, i finally can take a long long rest. Not for long. ENTRE camp is round the corner of this week, sch work is starting to pile up, relationships unsettled and can never be settled, friendships at stake, Startup@singapore... haix.

Life is unpredictable. You will never ever cherish the person until he/she is gone. Gone with the wind, just memories etched in ur mind that you will forget over time. Forget his/her looks, his/her characteristics, features, until you forget of his/her existence.

I want to say "i love you" to all my friends. But i scared they choke on water and die. Then i will truly love them lorh. How arh. I shall now try with some of my friends bah. Dun diee!! :P I wanna see u tomorrow. :)

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