Thursday, July 31, 2008

My wife?

Hahaha a thought invoked me to write this today. My wife..

1. Are you willing to cook from Mondays to Fridays, and sometimes Saturdays, while Sunday we go out and eat? I really want to taste your cooking every nite after I end off work.

2. Can you bear to see me only 3 to 4 hours each day, even on Saturdays? What if I work even on Sundays?

3. Are you willing to take very good care of the kids, even if it means you not work?

4. Can you manage our finances, do investments, do planning?

5. Can you respect me, my family, my friends, children, relatives, and cohabit with them?

6. Are you willing to give in to my parents, unless you are definitely correct?

7. Can you be a wife I am proud of, one whom I can show off to the whole world, and make the whole world jealous why I have such a good wife?

8. Can you stand only giving birth to 1/2 children?

9. Are you smart, decisive, independent, responsible and an anti-particle to me, corresponding to my weaknesses and help me become a better person?

10. Most importantly, can you love me and only me wholeheartedly til the end of time?

If your answer is YES to all, you can be my wife.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Im very stressed. The world just isn't fair. Everything's not right. I even.. felt like dying.

How nais.

If I succeed in life, it will not be by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Monday, July 14, 2008

News from me finally?

Wow.. Been quite long since i last blogged. Oh wells.

My grades isn't very good, but its ok I'll buck up, hopefully just in time to do well for Prelims, and then As. Now is the hectic time of chionging every single subject, from okay-ish to perfect of content and every single detail in every single chapter and topic.

Well, I love the artsy sides, like econs and gp, cuz really no boundaries, and what u learn u might not use, what u dun need to know u might end up using. Ok whatever. Shall practice 1 econs essay every week and give to Mrs Low to mark. Shall do 1 essay for Mrs Toh to mark, and look for her to go through, and 1 comprehension every week for self-practice and reflections.

As for physics, hm even though i did well, now its not the time to show off. I know i was lucky, on the dot, so must try harder to convince everyone that its not lucky yea? Well, doing 1 chapter every day, starting with this, and im at forces omfg. Damn hard to master everything la. Especially the definitions. Will look through once before every exam just to make sure I know what I'm writing.

Chem & Bio! Bastard la i did soo poorly, same as Arvind leh. :( Chem is not difficult somemore.. Will shelf it for awhile til i finish physics, so for this week no chem and bio. And bio i think im a letdown :( Dashed all hopes ppl have on me zzz.

Math.. Haha will practice as and when, now i will do math in every difficult place that is not meant for studying! Like on the bus, waiting for xiaolu etc.. Currently trying to improve statistics! Haha.

Hm.. On top of all this, i will not sign online at all le. Only from 11.30pm to 11.59pm every night, to talk to some ppl i would love talking to, including you who is reading this as well hahas. Any other important matters, email me, or call me, or catch me in sch or in class yea. :)

Yeap! How about adding onto the list, of blogging once per week from now on? So tt you peeps will know tt i will blog on this day and go read marh.. Haha jkjk! Til then, so long everyone, mug hard.

I wanna be who I can be in the future. Thats why I am working hard now. :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


A levels 5As, BMT, enter NUS Medicine School, NS deferment.

New car from dad, get girlfriend and enjoy life with her, get new dog.

Continue to date gf

Huge birthday bash at my house, change gf, set up a business with good friends

Continue to date gf

New car

Graduate from Medicine school, proceed on to serve NS as MO

NS, change gf

Go overseas to pursue O & G

Housemanship at SGH

Work in NUH, new car

Get married! Continue to work in NUH, invest in yg’s eatery

1st million, open clinic, new house

Have first child

Work work

Have second child, balance clinic with business, new car

Grassroots, clinic, business

Grassroots, clinic, business

Try for Elections, become MP

Dare to dream.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

PSC Fair

Haiyo.. Today went for the PSC fair.. Wow lots of ppl i know, but i want to dao them. Lol!

Erm went to 'lunch' with Chongmin and his parents, was shocked that they actually went to food republic in wisma atria. They treated me to carrot cake, tea and eggs from toast box. After that, i bought chongmin and I noodles, lol.

Then met up with Simin, and DAMN THE RAIN omg.

Then finally reached there, and wow lots of ppl. Talks after talks after talks, I heard MAS, EDB, PSC (for damn long), HDB which is like damn useless, STB.

This sort of reshaped my future, and make me realize lots, and refine my career paths and goals in life.

1. I can end up doing what I thought I'd do.. What people think I'd do. Pursue a medical career as a doctor, defer from NS, take up NUS Medicine. Specialize in O&G, become an outstanding O&G-ist, deliver babies all day long.

Pros: Job security(sure have ppl give birth), still can interact with ppl, new ways to do things differently, rather high pay, got good gal friends for me to 'practice'.

Cons: Prob too long time studying, might not sustain my interest, might not earn me my first 1 million before 30, might become stony, rather waste of talent, too microscopic.

Add-ons: Prob after tt I might try to get into politics, or run a business together with friends, or invest in friend's business.

2. Well, pursue a scholarship in EDB/MAS/URA/HDB/STB one of the stat boards, progress up the board.

Pros: Job security, passion in what I do, get to meet people, recognition, for Singapore's future.

Cons: Quite low pay, might be too rigid for me, some have rather no future, like HDB and URA, dunno what courses to pursue, confirm cannot make my 1 million before 30, limited promotion.

Add-ons: Same, set up a business with friends.

3. Pursue PSC.

Pros: Wow factor, politics, job security, definitely created high mkt value for me, and the rest the same as 2.

Cons: Same as 2, may be rotated or thrown around the ministries, especially difficult to promote, and competing with the creme of the crop, I dun think I'm good enough. If i get a PSC Scholarship, I definitely will not be the top PSC Scholar, extreme competition and politics between people, high expectations.

Also, this whole scholarship thing, I dunno which course to pursue. Business? Econs? I realized, I hate being seen as the answer to everything, but the master, at nothing.

Friday, July 4, 2008

ISLE Post-trip

Ooh this is kinda outdated.. You see, I never knew this was worth blogging about until cm talked about it.. So im like.. Is it of any significance?

Well, replying to his post, and telling everyone my feelings as well. If any.

ISLE Post-trip.. Lol we set off damn rushed lorh. That 12.30pm thingy just couldnt work, as we're always late de la haha. But managed to reach there before time O.o

MINDS @ Lee Kong Chian Gardens School, the children there are really sth. Enthu, ener, they have everything I need to make myself feel youthful and fun again. Haha and they're not that MINDSY, i mean.. they are really smarter than normal, woah wo ling yan xiang kan lol.

Well, Nelson and Wynne didn't go.. I cant rmbr who else, lol. We were grouped into groups, Serene, Zhang He, Sophia and I take one group of 7. O.o.. I took this gal called Mabel and Siok Sin, but in the end, Jiaxi had to take over. Woah, shes like some super mum la. Control them really well, haha in the end i managed to talk to the both of them quite a bit.. After a while they opened up to me :P

When we arrived at Botanical Gardens, we headed for Evolution Garden. Lol, here's the tricky part: I certainly cannot handle narrating the story that Sam Kwek made, with taking care of two MINDS kids? I feel very paiseh lorh, always have Jiaxi and the MINDS teacher watching my back. Lol.

My story was damn crappy.. Haha but good! I'm in power. I dunno why, I love to lead, and love to do things nobody had done.. And jie shi is rather enthu, and rather unexpected LOL! Haha but in the end, all turned out well. I think the kids had fun, but trust me, the 'storyline' was LAME! gosh.

Yeap we walked for quite a bit to the big lake, then we had picnic there, under the big big tree. Lol too many buns and biscuits, in the end we are full and had left over lol. I rmbr I was having headache.. Probably due to the heat from the sun, my head was throbbing like crazy. Zzz.

Then we went on to the dunno what playground, but before that we did colouring! Only then I realized that Mabel was 11, and she cannot really control her body at all. Well, it was rather hard trying to get a response from her.. Siok Sin, 10, was her best friend, and she's just like a normal girl, though a bit slower. Well, Siok Sin really impressed me, she really took care of Mabel very well, I was kind of touched. In the end, I helped Mabel colour a snake head band and put it on her head. Lol, and it stayed there for eternity!

Then we went in to play. The huge slide, haha. Jiaxi was perma attached to my two lil' kids le, haha. Oh man, we looked like a couple bringing our kids out LOL. But no interest in her arh! Lol.

Then on the big slide, Mabel got stuck. Ouch, as she really cannot control her body, she still go on the big slide, then kena stuck halfway. Then she sit there. Lol, Daniel and one of the teachers had to climb up to get her down. Phew. Siok Sin was really great man.. Full of admiration, she really wanted to save her friend, though i was trying to keep her away from the end of the slide, if not Daniel kena her gg liao.

Then 4 plus 5 le, time to go home! Damns i COULD HAVE WALKED HOME. But in the end i took the bus, and it took me to Redhill to drop off the MINDS kids, then back to school again. Ooh, went dinner with Chongmin, and talked a lot about some stuff.

In conclusion, I din really enjoy the post-trip. Reasons include:
1. It's a one-off thing.
2. Everyone came becuz we had to do it, not becuz we are passionate.
3. I did not get to interact with most. Or rather, I do not make a point to.
4. She is still dao-ing me, and I dun need a friend like that.

5.. I ended up having to dine with chongmin. Lol jkjk! Hahaha.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Should i just use lifejournal?

Lol since my blog can be found from my username, should i just change to LJ instead? I have friends using LJ, blogger and blogspot is certainly on the decline.

And terence's bday is coming.. 11th July. What should we do for him? No ideas yet.. Oh wells.