Monday, June 30, 2008

NS Checkup!

Woah today i ponned school for NS Checkup.. In the morning go ISLE lol, and xiaolu's bday, i bought her a cake, dunno whether she eated with who.. And during ISLE, yh came. Dunno why though, but she came late, and for a short while. Well, who cares rite? Friends no more, hell yeah.

Then i go NS Checkup liao.. Woah nice place, i could find my way in and out! Lol. After passing thru the scanners, and locking my hp in the wall, and go to the registration area.

I reached there around 10.45am, then go in and first got my picture taken. WTF THE GUY WAS DAMN COLD LORH. STUPID MILITARY PPL, THINK THEY DAMN IMPT. He only there to take pictures nia lorh. And go comb up my hair somemore, make me look like a freak. :P Screw you guys, im going home.

Then next station was.. Urine test! Had to pee in the bottle. :S It was quite 'straightforward' though, yayy i better than terence: i can control!

Then was.. Blood omfg damnn pain. I see now, still got a damn deep hole. And the person was like.. old and looks pro. Wonder if everyone else hurts.

Then.. Chest X-ray, nothing much though, take a picture of my back.

Then eye, where the see if im colour blind, and can see words on the screen. No problems for this.

Then.. Dental. Woah when they say, "4/8 erupted, 5/8 erupted, 6/8 erupted, 7/8 erupting", i thought i was going to die. LOL. Then was the jaw x-ray, i had to bite something which i think everyone bit. Luckily after me, the machine broke down, and ppl behind me had to wait and got delayed.

Everything no queue until the 2nd last: OMG i open the door to "Medical", and all the guys were running around topless. O.o Then was ECG, where they stick pins on my body, and run electric current. Then was height/weight, do u smoke?, have tatoos?, blood pressure.. The usual.

Then alas come a long wait, about 15 min or so, for the medical section. Go in, the STUPID MO WAS DAMN COLD AS USUAL. He just opened the file, ask me if i was ok, then ask me remove my pants, took a glance, and then i could put back on. Geez that was fast.

Ooh i saw lots of ppl at this station, royce, john, banett (is this how i spell his name?), vishwa, eng how, kern, wei yuan.. quite a lot sia.

Then was the IQ test, which made my brain kinda explode. Lol test my memory? Patterns, the usual IQ test, took that in PSC, but this was a bit more challenging. I had to use my whole brain to get past that.

Then end le.. 2 plus, i hungry like shit, so go eat and go home liao. Overall was an okay experience la.

Pez: A.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

"Don't waste your time on me."

"Don't waste your time on me."

I weren't, I am not, and I never will.

Jesse McCartney: Just so you know

Just so you know
This feelings takin control
Of me and i can't help it
I wont sit around
I can't let him win now
Though you should know
I've tryed my best to let go of you
But i don't want to
I just gutta say it all before you go
Just so you know.

Friday, June 27, 2008

My new companion!

My current companion: She's sweet, has a cute smile, maturing, fair, likes to initiate many things, independent, good listener, dark black eyes and small nose, and makes a LOT of noise.

My perfect companion: Steady, reliable, responsible, dark, golden hair, big eyes, cute smile, less impatient, taller, with more confidence, less attention-seeking.

NOTE: The above is a FICTIONAL character and should NOT be related to anything, anyone or anyone's thing.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


O.o?! Once i sign in, woah 34 email messages?! When the last time i check was like.. yesterday morning?!

Phew, common tests are here again! Woah damn not confident this time, asking myself, i actl study damn little. :( No mood to study leh.. Or rather, it was quite rushed. And unproductive.

Nvm, life after CTs will still be the same same same!! Aarrgghh besties, who wanna watch WANTED on 27th June? I wanna watch, but not alone horh!!

Any takers? And is anyone going for the PSC fair.. I dun wanna go alone too. Prob i'll drag simin along lorh, since Shuna will prob be going next year anw.. Lol.

Hm.. Econs tomorrow! Looks like i'll be in for a ride. :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wow mugging's been great.

I haven't been so hardcore before lorh. Im sure i mug continuously, seated and rooted to the damn chair for like.. eternity. I never mugged for more than 3 hours before in my entire life. I'll get restless.

But i dunno why leh.. inspired by ur die-hard gung ho mugging, i am pressured to do the same. Siao liao u are like some super mugger that i cannot even call at all? lol! damn funny i was like.. rofl? though i agree a call of 5 min will break ur concentrations and u will think of me. :P

Er.. not bad progress, i mean im mugging not only for CTs, but for A levels sake. Covering EVERYTHING, including those that are not gonna be tested for CTs. Figured i might need them somehow.

Well, looking forward to after CTs, and resuming my normal mugging schedule, prob 4-hr mugging day bah.. Like 9pm to 1am schedule. Zz.

Well, lifes good with everyone mugging, but it got very very quiet lately. My phone only vibrates at 1 person's messages, oi where are my other friends? U all got like 500 free SMSes, can gimme 1? Puuhhleesseee?

So much for talking, hehe. Back to mugging! Me got the whole of physics to swallow and 3/4 of maths to go. In 4 days. I think i can larh, 12-hr mugging per day, shoosh.

Gdnites everyone, good luck too. :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Everythings happening, and im slow.

With everything happening around me, so much til i dunno what to do.

Youth Entrepreneurship Symposium 2008 (YES! 2008 just ended), Shuna just flew off for Jarkarta, World War 3 broke out amongst the YES! ppl, Edmund recovering well, Michelle recovering well, Yan tian in chalet, Simin devastated by what her bf is doing, Chongmin mugging with Chin Hwee lol so sweet, Terence no news as usual, Xiaolu emo-ing every night with an emo nick, Mingquan no news lost for good...

I think i should get back to mugging!

Sunday, June 1, 2008